31 Dec 2018

The December Edition

I’ve just had so much cheese that my heart is racing. All I want to do is nap, but I will write this final monthly blog post if it kills me, so I’ve locked myself in my childhood bedroom instead. Merry Christmas.

19 Dec 2018

20 running goals for 2019 that are nothing to do with, like, actual running

Hey look what a lovely obviously unposed photo this is of me blissfully looking into 2019

It can be easy to reduce your ‘next year goals’ as a runner to: be better. Be faster, be fitter, be slimmer, run more, run further, run b e t t e r. 

Yeah, I’d love a sub 27min 5k. I’d love a sub 55min 10k and a sub 2hr half marathon. I’d love a sub 5hr marathon. I’d love to do an Ultra… wait, what, who said that? Idk, I didn’t say anything…

Here are 20 goals that aren’t to do with being a better runner. Here are 20 goals that are to do with better experiences.