31 Dec 2018
19 Dec 2018
20 running goals for 2019 that are nothing to do with, like, actual running
Hey look what a lovely obviously unposed photo this is of me blissfully looking into 2019
It can be easy to reduce your ‘next year goals’ as a runner to: be better. Be faster, be fitter, be slimmer, run more, run further, run b e t t e r.
Yeah, I’d love a sub 27min 5k. I’d love a sub 55min 10k and a sub 2hr half marathon. I’d love a sub 5hr marathon. I’d love to do an Ultra… wait, what, who said that? Idk, I didn’t say anything…
Here are 20 goals that aren’t to do with being a better runner. Here are 20 goals that are to do with better experiences.
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